The sophisticated Tomsk delineator posts, light fixtures and street lamps on a promenade in Alicante. Delineator posts for the cycle lane.  Spotlights for the street.

Alicante has a cycle lane between two lanes of traffic for cars. The Tomsk delineator posts are located on each side of the cycle lane to light it up and guarantee safely.

Tomsk street lamps and light fixtures have been installed on the pavements, giving the entire environment a modern, sophisticated air.

The sophisticated Tomsk delineator posts, light fixtures and street lamps on a promenade in Alicante. Delineator posts for the cycle lane.  Spotlights for the street.

Alicante has a cycle lane between two lanes of traffic for cars. The Tomsk delineator posts are located on each side of the cycle lane to light it up and guarantee safely.

Tomsk street lamps and light fixtures have been installed on the pavements, giving the entire environment a modern, sophisticated air.